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Video Games Video Games / Game Design curriculum (Years 4 and 5)

  • Available in Aix-en-Provence, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Paris, Strasbourg, Toulouse
  • Delivered face to face
  • Game Design training in 3 or 5 years

Immersion Days and Discovery Workshops

Young people interested in our training can come and spend a day of immersion or take part in a discovery workshop, unique moments of discovery in contact with the students. This is an opportunity for them to get an idea of their future. They can discuss with the students, their professors and visit the establishment in privileged conditions. The campus prepares a suitable course for them to attend courses corresponding to their training project.

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Come and discover the BRASSART school during our Open Days!

The opportunity to visit our premises, discover how the school works, the graphic design and digital creation professions in which you will be trained, as well as meet our students and our teams!



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Transversal education

  • Game design and gamification
  • Immersive narration & writing / Storytelling
  • Game analysis
  • Video game economy
  • Narration / Storytelling
  • Video game economy
  • Entrepreneurship / Creation of a studio
  • English
  • Technological, competitive and strategic watch

Option 1 - Video game production

  • Team, production and quality management
  • Legal concepts
  • Protection and respect for the working environment
  • Strategic, financial and budgetary management

Option 2 - Game Programming

  • Programming language
  • Behavior modeling
  • Integration into the game engine
  • Multiplayer systems
  • UX design
  • Main principles of AI

Option 3 - Video game marketing

  • Marketing / Marketing Analysis
  • • Strategic management
  • Video editing
  • Communication management
  • Performance Tracking
  • Player analysis
  • Monitoring and analysis tools

Professional experience

  • 4th and 5th year: 3 to 4 months of internship

The graduation project

The two years of the Video Games / Game Design course are dedicated to the pre-production and production of their graduation project: a video game prototype. In collaboration with students in Game Art training, future Game Designers must develop all the mechanics of the game, produce all the expected technical documentation. True manager of the project, he thus adopts a posture in line with professional requirements. Once produced, the students then present this video game to a jury made up of professionals from recognized studios.

What opportunities are there after
curriculum Video games / Game design - Years 4 and 5  ?

the documentation

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