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Graphic and Digital Design Graphic and digital design course
(Years 2 to 4)

Graphic and digital design course (Years 2 to 4)

  • Available in Aix-en-Provence, Annecy, Bordeaux, Caen, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Paris, Rennes, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Tours
  • Delivered face to face
  • Professional qualification « Graphic and Digital Designer » registered with the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP), level 6 (equivalent to Bac+3/4)
  • Graphic and Digital Design training: 5-year course (including one year of preparatory class in applied arts) – 300 ECTS validated

Immersion Days and Discovery Workshops

Young people interested in our training can come and spend a day of immersion or take part in a discovery workshop, unique moments of discovery in contact with the students. This is an opportunity for them to get an idea of their future. They can discuss with the students, their professors and visit the establishment in privileged conditions. The campus prepares a suitable course for them to attend courses corresponding to their training project.

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The opportunity to visit our premises, discover how the school works, the graphic design and digital creation professions in which you will be trained, as well as meet our students and our teams!



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The Graphic and Digital
Design course

The Graphic and Digital Design course allows you to tackle all types of projects with method, creativity and sense of organization: graphic design, packaging design, web design or advertising. Through his ability to take charge of a project in its entirety, the designer will tend towards the function of artistic director.

English-speaking course available in Nantes (a majority of courses are in English)


Design and manage the creative approach and implementation of graphic and digital communication projects.


Be holder of a level IV title or diploma, of a solid general knowledge, demonstrate a regular practice in the artistic disciplines. In addition, entry tests based in particular on the production of a certain number of works are required.

Terms of access and duration of studies

Teaching methods used

Operational objectives/skills targeted by certification

Assessment modality

Individual oral and written, continuous assessment, and evaluation during the project phases.

Certification procedure

The award of the  » Graphic and Digital Designer » Level 6 (equivalent to Bac+3/4) is conditional on validation of all the skill blocks.

RNCP title  »[a [Graphic and Digital Designer[/a] » Level 6 (equivalent to Bac+3/4) awarded by Brassart - professional certification registered with the RNCP by decision of France Compétences on 18/11/2020 (RNCP 35083).

A validated block of skills is acquired over a period of 5 years.

No continuation of the route / No footbridge

Results indicator(s)

Rate of attendance at certification tests: 100% Success
rate for certification (class of 2023): 98% Overall integration
rate after 12 months (all jobs): 80% Integration
rate into the profession covered by the certification after 12 months: 75%.


Back to school in September 2024

Brassart-Delcourt Academy school accessibility

You may be wondering about the possibility of following our training courses. Contact us, so that we can inform you and guide you as best as possible:

The advantages of the training
Graphic and digital design

What’s new

  • Structure by projects: organization of courses upstream around projects
  • Acquisition of fundamental techniques while discovering the principles of group work around common projects
  • Ideation development



  • Marketing & Communication
  • Sociology
  • Entrepreneurship & sustainable development
  • English
  • History of art and graphic culture


  • Eco-design
  • Plastic and graphic practices
    • drawing
    • photo
    • video
    • vector illustration
    • digital painting
    • motion
  • Semiology
  • Ideation & Creativity
  • Design - Writing
  • Artistic direction


  • Graphic design
  • Infographics
  • Web design
  • Motion design
  • 3D design
  • Typography
  • Data visualization


  • Project management and management
  • Workshops (motion design, 3D, photography, etc.)
  • Thematic courses
  • Speaking techniques
  • Personal branding


  • Communication tools
    • portfolio
    • webfolio
  • Professional, technological & cultural monitoring

Professional experience

  • 3rd year: 2 to 3 months of internship from January to March
  • 4th year: 2 to 4 months of internship from April to July

The second year of the program in Graphic design is a year of discovery and experimentation. It allows the student to acquire the basic necessary knowledge to understand the issues as well as the constraints and objectives of visual communication. This first year is the beginning of technical maturity.
Most of the learning takes place in project mode, with each trainer making their contribution in key areas. Technical learning is developed in parallel, always according to the relevance of the project.

In the third year of the program in graphic design, the student develops his knowledge. Project mode is gaining momentum and teamwork is developing. It is also the time for technical in-depth studies, particularly in the digital field (web, motion design, etc.). Technical maturity allows you to take more daring creative initiatives and consider approaching the professional world with your sights set on the first internship in a visual communications or graphic design agency.

It is during this 4th year of the program in graphic design that students will be able to start thinking about their final year specialization: between artistic direction & branding, motion content, and digital thinking. To do this, they will carry out a large number of workshops, allowing them to deepen the skills already acquired, while putting them into practice during a 2 to 4 month internship at the end of the year.

What opportunities are there after
curriculum graphic and digital design - Years 2 to 4  ?

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