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BTS - YEARS 1 AND 2 Audiovisual

Program in audiovisual post-production video editing in 2 years

  • Available in Bordeaux
  • Delivered face to face
  • National State Diploma - BTS Audiovisual Professions option Editing and Postproduction - Level 5 (Bac +2 equivalent)
  • Required level: Bac
    Prépa audiovisual cinema, Bac S, Bac SES, Bac L option Audiovisual, Bac pro SEN or any university course related to audiovisual, scientific or literary subjects.
  • Admission procedures: Motivation interview and examination of academic record.


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The BTS Audiovisual Professions option Editing / Postproduction, allows you to acquire the technical skills and artistic know-how to carry out the editing and postproduction of a work or an audiovisual product: clip, short film , feature film, advertising… The student learns to master the different assembly techniques, to select the shots taken during the filming of an audiovisual work and to master the specific supports for editing final. The student also learns image calibration as well as motion design allowing the animated packaging of audiovisual products.


28 hours over 29 weeks

The program is established by the Ministry of National Education on the basis of a benchmark. The assembly option:

  • Audiovisual and artistic culture: History of art, film analysis, media culture
  • Physical sciences: Signals, transmissions, optics, colorimetry
  • Economy - Management Image law: intellectual property, labor law, legal status
  • Equipment and media technologies: technical approach to audiovisual equipment
  • Implementation techniques: editing, shooting, sound recording
  • Implementation techniques: editing, shooting, sound recording
  • English

Weekly total: 28h

The teaching will be supplemented by conferences, film previews, exhibitions, festivals, etc.

Company internship: 8 to 12 weeks spread over the 2 years of training.

28 hours over 29 weeks

The program is established by the Ministry of National Education on the basis of a benchmark. The assembly option:

  • Audiovisual and artistic culture: History of art, film analysis, media culture
  • Physical sciences: Signals, transmissions, optics, colorimetry
  • Economy - Management Image law: intellectual property, labor law, legal status
  • Equipment and media technologies: technical approach to audiovisual equipment
  • Implementation techniques: editing, shooting, sound recording
  • English

Weekly total: 28h

The teaching will be supplemented by conferences, film previews, exhibitions, festivals, etc.

Company internship: 8 to 12 weeks spread over the 2 years of training.

End of studies project (PFE)

Entitled Professional Project, the PFE is the editing by the student of a short film (documentary fiction or report) accompanied by an oral presentation in front of a jury of professionals and professors from public establishments. The student’s ability to make good artistic choices, narration and analysis of the means used for editing are evaluated during this oral session, as well as their knowledge of production management.

The advantages of
Audiovisual training

Cutting-edge equipment

Conditions of admission

Access to the audiovisual BTS is based on an admission interview with academic records and personal work records.

The school file must contain report cards from the second to the final year, the marks from the anticipated BAC tests, or the last diploma obtained (with the report cards) for candidates in higher education.

The personal work file may contain scenarios, photos, experiments with editing or digital special effects, short films of all kinds.

Any work that demonstrates an interest in audiovisual is appreciated.

For students who do not have the profile, an upgrade is possible with the Cinema/audiovisual preparation

What opportunities are there after
BTS Audiovisual Professions Editing/Postproduction option  ?

The sectors of activity are audiovisual production, cinema, service provision (advertising, events, etc.) and broadcasters (TV channels, internet.) The main qualifications are post-production editing and videography.

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