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J. Hardy
La force d’un message appuyé par un visuel permet à une communication de convaincre. L’étudiant apprend durant sa formation design graphique à structurer sa pensée. Pour favoriser cet apprentissage, l’école Brassart participe régulièrement à des concours, comme ici : 1e prix Etudiant au Club des Directeurs artistiques.
and Digital Design
Discover our Graphic and Digital Design program
After acquiring the minimum basics during a preparatory year or obtaining a specific baccalaureate, the Graphic and Digital Design courses work to develop in the student real high-level creative skills. They allow him to tackle all types of projects with method, creativity and sense of organization: graphic design, packaging design, web design or advertising. Through his ability to take charge of a project in its entirety, the designer will tend towards the function of artistic director.
Find out more about our Graphic and Digital Design training coursesOther projects
See all projectsLe trait d'union
Alexandra Girard, Ella Cloutour et Marie Girard
Montre de luxe
M. Chabour
Promotion 2019
Graphic and digital design course - Year 2 to 4
Fanny, Martin, Louis et Bastien
J'y retourne !
Flavie Jigorel, Chloé Jouan, Jérémy Leclercq et Alex Montassier
Europe 3021
Hugo Voisin, Loéva Roland, Hugo Truffreau, Clarisse Delande et Nathan Maridonneau
Big Battle BRASSART 2024 - Catégorie « Vidéo »
Zélig DUQUE - MoPA
Alicia Jamet
Promotion 2020
Graphic and digital design course - Year 2 to 4
Conseil de classe
Davy Robotin, Gabrielle Scheiner, Pierre Olivier, et Léa Raillat
Hello Saudade
Sara Barreira
Promotion 2021
Graphic and digital design course - Year 2 to 4